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Would you like to switch to the international version?
Verschillende modellen van het fietsmerk ICE zijn compatibel met onze Pendix eDrive. Belangrijk om te weten: elke fiets heeft zijn eigen kenmerken, die wij niet op afstand kunnen beoordelen. Wij raden u daarom aan om voor de montage van het systeem naar een van onze dealers te gaan. Zij kunnen uw fiets inspecteren en u vertellen of deze geschikt is! U kunt dealers bij u in de buurt vinden via onze dealerzoekfunctie.
ICE Adventure
Before you retrofit your bike with a Pendix, it is important to check the installation requirements. If these conditions are met, there is nothing to prevent step 2.
After the installation requirements, you should check whether your bicycle has any damage. This can occur, for example, due to accidents, frequent use and increasing age. One of our Pendix dealers will be happy to assist you with their expert skills.
You can order your Pendix eDrive from your Pendix dealer and have it installed.
The most important step: you can finally drive your retrofitted Avaghon! We wish you a safe journey.
You have retrofitted your ICE with Pendix and would like to help other bike fans decide on a Pendix bike? Then send us a picture of your ICE to our e-mail address to share it with people interested in Pendix on our website. We will gladly name you as the source of the picture.